jueves, 25 de abril de 2013

Good morning people!

 Today a show this photo; is taken in March of 2012, for the "secret birthday custom party" of a good friend.
Well he knows about the party, but not the customs and ornaments in the party (we maid a mask and an outfit for him). In the photo we appear (from left to right) a friend and me, ours costumes represent a star sign horoscope. My friend is Leo and I Sagittarius.
We made the masks an accessory, the outfits only buy the vest and gloves of the same colours because we are the Chaperone of the birthday boy.
I am using a cane because I'm having a traffic accident. (I am better now).
Is was a really good party and my friend enjoys it a lot!
I like this photo because is a really good memory and I love the mask we made (I put my this mask in my room as adornment) also they made (Leo and me) a mask for the girlfriend of the birthday boy!! The masks of both remained very pretty. Also I did a mask of cat for my girlfriend and really she was very beautiful and cute!
I expect to be able to have soon again a party as this one!!!!

sábado, 20 de abril de 2013

My neighbor Rusio

Hi people!
Well today I will talk about a new friend of mine who is called Rusio. It's a cat in my neighborhood that I got a couple of months ago while painting my house, that time he stayed with me until I finished painting and gave him as a prize a cup of cat food (I already have a cat in my house ). We called him Rusio because his hair is blonde, also his eyes are a very cute light blue color. He loves to ask you to pet him and giving him food every morning and evenings, the truth is that it I've get attached to this cat because he looks a lot like a cat i used to have but it died one year ago.
Rusio is one of those cats that likes attention and explore around the neighborhood to see if someone gives him food and love, there was a time I saw him climbing the fence of my house to see if he could come to order food.
I tried to enter him in my house several times, but my cat would not let him stay, so i hope they can get along before winter begins.
So recently I heard this cat was from a neighbor who is 3 houses from mine, but apparently she has Alzheimer and menopause so she doesn't remember to feed her pets.
Well, for me, it is a very interesting topic, I've always loved animals and this particular cat earned the honor of being in my blog!

This photo shows Rusio with my girlfriend (sleeping)

My favorite book!!

Hi Everyboby!!
Today is my first class in English III and I’m a little confused about this first proyect.
Well i love to read and one of my favorites books is "The Otori´s Legends" or "The harsh cry of the hero" (i like the first title because it's more related with the history) the writer is Lian Hearn.

(Across the Nightingale Floor, 2002)

This book is the first of 5 incredibles Sagas. The story begins in an imaginary japanese island  (in the feudal Era of Shogunato) the main character is Tomasu, this young boy escape from the warriors of Touhan’s clan (Tomasu belonged a clan called "The Hiddens"). The clan of Touhan is looking for destroy the clan of Hiddens because they proclaim a different vision of life (never kill), when they almost killed him a men appears to save him; the men called Otori Shigeru is an ancient heir of the Otori clan.
Shigeru takes Tomasu and adopted him as his son; the story continues on how Tomasu tries to take revenge of those who killed his clan, but thanks to the teachings of Otori Shigeru begins to learn about life, love, bureaucracy and over every aspect of life.
The story gets darker later so if you still want to know I recommend reading this amazing series!

My life with Youtube

Hi!, My name is Miguel I’m 23 years old
I am someone who spends almost every day on internet, especially Youtube.
I like video games and music, so I see videos of the bands I like and especially in live concerts.
I also watch video games videos, as I have no money to buy expensive games or sometimes to know what is a game about, I see some channels on Youtube where boys and girls record them showing how they play some game, there are many people who do this (both in Chile and around the world) I usually like to watch and listen to these videos when I have to stay late for some work shop for college. Some videos are fun as well as others with incredible graphics or music.
Sometimes even inspires me for some work.
Some of the channels that are more visited are PewDiePie, Vardoc1, ChaoticMonki and Xodaaaa.
The guests left to see some of these channels if they laugh or want to distract a little daily stress.

My big ambition!

Hello to all!
Well now that I have to talk about my future ambitions truth is that I have too many!
For example, I’d love to live in an apartment where we’d peacefully live together or go to a cruise trip for two years to travel around the world because she loves nature.
Although I have always had an ambition in particular that it is to travel to the Ghibli Studios Museum (an agency that performs animation film in great detail and the stories are great) is located in the province of Mitaka, Japan.
This is a site where you can see many of the creations and worlds created by the director Hayao Miyazaki (founder and director of studio ghibli) this man always had a vision of the world as a magical place to be rediscovered, so through their wonderful staff and incredible movies manages they get to create the most incredible and unforgettable stories!
The museum itself is from a movie theater (where the study exhibit films and documentaries), permanent and special exhibitions, living cat-bus (one of the characters of  the movie My Neighbor Totoro), upper terrace opposite robot sized 'The Castle in the Sky' (another Ghibli films), the museum curator, Shop "Mamma Aiuto" and a coffee shop called "Straw Hat"

I really hope one day to meet this ambition of mine, as I feel a genuine admirer of this director and this study.