martes, 23 de julio de 2013

The design in my life

Since it was very small always I like to do things with the hands, already be to draw, to arm puzzles or to play at arming things. But I never had very clear what it wanted to do of big. Even in my last year of college not wise even very well that to study and was thinking that serious a good idea to study Forensic Medicine; until a friend of the college said to me " it hears and for that you do not study design? " The truth is that in it not wise epoch much on the topic, but I am called so much the attention that I began to investigate and really my world was opened! I found my vocation and it would not change it into anything, from this day fall in love with the Design in all his senses (graphic and Industrial) and though the career is difficult it has always things that make me love more the design.

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